Fontzilla's tribute to Christmas...

Many of these are older FontPlays and I no longer have the original Photoshop files.
If I didn't specify the font, it's because I haven't had a chance to do a match to figure it out.
Click on the thumbnail image for a larger view.

Please do not link to the images. People have been doing that and busting our bandwidth limit!

I came across this lovely quote about Christmas and just had to play with it. The image is just a stock Christmas background. The title is set in an elegant face called Tangerine. The body is set in ITC Regallia.

This uses a composite of stock images, with an added red nose. The text is set using KonTiki Enchanted JF.

This one uses a few images. The background (with a change in hue) and the Santa come from stock.exchng, but that statue's hand was empty and obviously calling for a nice tropical drink. I grabbed one from and worked it in with some Photoshop magic. The main text is set in Paternoster from Fontgrube and the "and a" is set in one of my favorites, Caflisch by Adobe.

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Disclaimer: This site is not connected with Toho Co., Ltd., the owners of a vaguely similar trademark.
The Fontzilla name and reptile-like images on this website are not meant to imply any connection with or
recommendation by Toho Co., Ltd. Any similarity to Toho Co., Ltd. marks or images is purely coincidental.
As we understand it, Toho does make some very fine science fiction films, though. ;-}